London Based Full Stack Developer

Ruby | JavaScript | HTML/CSS | Rails | React | jQuery | Sinatra | Bootstrap | PostgreSQL

I'm a Junior Developer and Makers Academy alumni, striving for a position where I'm constantly learning and developing my skills and knowledge within a continuously evolving industry. During the last three and a half years I have gained ample experience within the Accounting and Finance sector. As someone who has had a passion for technology from an early age and after conversing with friends working as developers and my own research, I decided to train for a career in software development. I enrolled at Makers because of their great track record and emphasis on practical, real world experience, pair programming and holistic development. This proved an excellent decision as the experience provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the basics of software development. My time spent at Makers furthered my skills with Ruby and Javascript, taught me the importance of effective Github collaboration practices and reinforced my skills with teamwork and problem solving.


  • Languages & Frameworks - Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Rails, React, jQuery, Sinatra, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL, RSpec, Jest, Jasmine

  • Practices - Object Oriented Programming, TDD, MVC, Domain-driven design, Agile/XP

  • Soft Skills - Communication, Attention To Detail, Problem Solving, Adaptability, Teamwork

Recent Projects

Road To Discovery (React)

Short on time and tired of hearing the same old playlists that you keep forgetting to update? No problem, Introducing: ROAD TO DISCOVERY. This was my final group project at Makers Academy and took just under two weeks to build.

Tech Stack: React, Node, Javascript, Spotify Web API, Travis CI, Heroku

IsItBusyOrNot (React)

An application designed to make social distancing easier, users can search for a location and see how busy the given location is depending on the number of Tweets. This was a Hackathon team project on the brief of COVID-19, made in 2 and a half days.

Tech Stack: React, Express.js, Twitter API, OpenLayers API, Heroku

Superplanner (React)

A Super-planner App. With this planner you can add, edit and delete todo items, you can also mark these items as completed or in-complete. Furthermore, with this app you can see your location, current weather conditions and time and date.

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Character Counter (React)

A character Counter app. Once loaded you can type in the text area available and it will display the number of Characters used, the number of Characters without spaces, words and lines used. You can also toggle a button to count the word frequency.

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Github Favourite Programming Language (React)

A web based application built over a 4 day period, which allows a user to enter an arbitrary Github username and be presented with a best guess of the user's favourite programming language.

Tech Stack: React, Javascript, HTML/CSS

Timer App (React)

A simple timer application made with React. With this application you can set a timer in minutes and once started the timer will count down in real time until it reaches 0. Once started, you have the option to pause and resume the timer as well as resetting it.

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

JumpingGameJS (JavaScript)

A simple jumping game where you have to avoid incoming obstacles, the higher your score the faster your reaction time needs to be! This game will also track your high score and give you the option to reset your score after finishing.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Calculator (React)

A functional calculator made with React JS, I installed the 'Math.js' dependency to evaluate expressions. This app provides you with fundamental functionality to help solve rudimentary problems and basic Trigonometry.

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Weather App (React)

A weather application made following a tutorial, I've added some additional design features. This app tells you the current temperature, weather type and the wind speed. I added some landscapes to reflect the current weather conditions.

Tech Stack: React, OpenWeatherMap API

Mars Rover Technical Challenge (Ruby)

Techical assessment, using irb you can control a new rover by making it turn left, right and then moving it in the direction it's facing, you can also view it's co-ordinates. I used the gem 'Simplecov' for test coverage (100.00% Achieved).

Tech Stack: Ruby, RSpec

Bank Tech Test (Ruby)

A Tech Test built over a 3 day period, using irb you can make deposits, withdrawals, check the balance of your account and print a statement. I used the gem 'Simplecov' for test coverage (100.00% Achieved).

Tech Stack: Ruby, RSpec

Gilded Rose Refactoring (Ruby)

Another Tech test that involved cloning a repository, reading it, writing some tests and then refactoring the legacy code. I used the gem 'Simplecov' for test coverage (100.00% Achieved).

Tech Stack: Ruby, RSpec

Acebook (Ruby on Rails)

A Facebook clone built in a team of five, over a two week period, User stories were provided to us by Makers Coaches.

Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Bootstrap, Capybara, RSpec

Clock-JS (JavaScript)

A fully functional analogue clock made using Javascript and stylised using HTML/CSS. Used Heroku for deployment.

Tech Stack: Javascript, HTML/CSS, Heroku

Thermostat JS (JavaScript)

A rendition of a thermostat made using Javascript, jQuery and OpenWeatherMap API. Used Jasmine as a testing Framework.

Tech Stack: Javascript, jQuery, OpenWeatherMap API, Jasmine


Email Me For My Mobile (Mobile)

Enfield, London, UK